Friday, June 6, 2008

First things first: The Debut of The Preposterous Rhinoceros

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There has to be a first for everything right?

Toddlers go from crawling around helplessly to taking wobbly, "domo arigato, Mr. Roboto" first steps. Six year olds attend their first day of the first grade only to find out that nap time has mysteriously been 86ed (seriously wtf is up with that?). First fights and first kisses are rites of passage that awaken feelings of trepidation and bliss in the hearts of sucker ass corn balls and dope bombshells alike.
“Firsts” are both exciting and agonizing and we never forget them because they force us into unfamiliar situations where we have to gain our footing to avoid looking like jack asses.
That being said, I generally try not to look like a jack ass if it’s at all possible so I hope the following mission statement doesn’t suck:

The Preposterous Rhinoceros is a collective blog comprised of audacious, unique and interesting concepts expressed through art, literature, fiction, poetry, essays, film, fashion, and other forward-thinking, bad-ass ideas and media. Finally, all the cool kids officially have a place to kick it.

I hope to bring all things new, fresh and enlightening to your door step.

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