Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Give me More Polyvore!

Sphere: Related Content For the last three hours, I have been glued to my computer chair, and although I had a whole to-do list of thins I wanted to get accomplished, I have been screwing around on the same website for all that time.

What's the website you implore? Polyvore.com

How I landed there I have no idea honestly. I can only tell you that it was through the process of clicking on one page only to click on another link on said page and so on and so on like Alice down the world wide wabbit hole.

What is Polyvore? I like to call it fashion porn. OK, so that's not very informative is it?

Here's what Polyvore's about us page says:

"Polyvore is a unique, easy-to-use web-based application for mixing and matching products from any online store. Items are pulled together into a visual set of products that can be shared with anyone. Each product within the set is then linked back to the online store where it is available for purchase."

Like I said. Fashion porn.

Right off the bat I can think of like a bazillion things this can be good for. Searches can be performed for specific items,color schemes,and brands not to mention that you can upload images from your own computer. Snooty artist types and 13 year old American idol fans alike will love creating their own masterpieces in collage form.

Into fashion? Polyvore. Label whore? Polyvore. Artistic? Polyvore. Rich and need help spending all that cash? Polyvore. Broke but have a dream? Polyvore. Broke but wanna buy a Fendi lookalike at Target? Polyvore!

Wow I so sound like that annoying guy that screams all of his infomercials for crap at three in the morning.

So I did do something productive! Check out my Bombshell goes to...series. Road-tested outfits for different occasions inspired by Laren Stover and the bombshells we love!

I give you...

Bombshell Goes to a Baby Shower


Bombshell Goes on a South Seas Cruise

Let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll check it out!