Saturday, August 16, 2008

Curly vs. Straight: Who wins in the Work Place?

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This week I wore my hair straight up until Wednesday when I washed it out and left it curly.

I woke up Thursday morning with a gigantic curly "Afro" and had to fight the clock to pull it back into a bun for work.

At work, I met a ton of women with curly hair and felt like a traitor. I tried to let my curly girl hair fly on Friday but I wound up just pulling it back into a more controlled bun with more hair gel and less fly aways than on Thursday.

I plan to straighten it again tomorrow before I hit work on Monday because I just don't know what to do with it! I know there is nothing wrong with curly hair but until I find an acceptable professional curly "do", I'll be making love to my Tourmaline Flat Iron and Blow dryer for about an hour.

I read somewhere that people make the assumption that curly heads are wild and unruly and less professional than their sleeker less frizzy straight haired counterparts. Any opinions?

Anyone have any professional curly girl hairstyles for me? I've got a head full of tight, chin length and shorter, corkscrew curls that drink conditioner like it's Long Island Iced Tea.
I've read Loraine Massey's book "Curly Girl" already but I think someone needs to put out a book called "Curly Girl at work: How not to look like you stuck your finger in an electrical socket at your 9am meeting." HELP!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, I leave my hair a mess all the time at work, don't even bother brushing, that is when I'm told it looks the best, everyone compliments it, so go curly!