Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sparks are flying!

Sphere: Related Content I've taken quite a hiatus from blogging and I can't say that it's all been for good reason. I can however, say that I have recently been getting acquainted with a new job and more importantly I have been getting in shape. (For real this time.) I've been using a site called SparkPeople that is absolutely fantastic. It's got tools for tracking your weight loss, calories, creating nutritional reports and best of all it's got loads of community support.

So far, I've lost 4 pounds so I'm pretty stoked about that. The downside?

Drinking eight 80z or more glasses of water a day + whatever other beverages makes one have to urinate like a 4 year old.

Alright I'll stop complaining and enjoy my pants fitting better while you visit and see if you like SparkPeople!

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