Friday, July 4, 2008

"Promise her anything, but give her Arpege"

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Yesterday I was bored and in the mood to do something stupid so I decided to rearrange the shelves in my bathroom and dedicate one specifically for my perfumes.

I was really bored.

I usually like to store them in a drawer or refrigerator (really the fridge is the best place to store fragrances as they are kept fresh) but I like the visual gratification of seeing the bottles outright.

So after everything was set out, I picked up my golden little decanter of Lanvin's Arpage and dabbed a little on my neck. Honestly I was put off by scents like this when I was younger but that's probably because I was dousing myself in Cool Water back in the day. This right here...well this is a woman's scent and it takes a little practice.

"Promise her anything, but give her Arpege" was the sultry slogan for Lanvin's luxe and scintilating fragrance. Created in 1927 by Jeanne Lanvin for her musician daughter Marie-Blanche, Lanvin's little one named it after the term "Arpeggio" which is the musical term for a quick succession of notes as opposed to notes played all together.

When I haven't worn the fragrance in a while, it always confuses me a little bit because of it's complexity. Really, it is this layering of scents that catches you off guard, lures them you and then kisses you on the lips. The rose hits you first and then the jasmine followed up by musk which makes the fragrance warm and inviting like sweet brandy.

Ironically, after dabbing on this amber gem again before bed in the wee morning hours of July 4th, I happened to read that Jeanne Lanvin died only two days from today on July 6th, 1946.

Sheer coincidence of eerie bombshell premonition? It's too soon to tell.

All I know is that for a girl who hates cold weather I'm strangely craving long gloves, rich opulent fabrics, evening gowns and crystal chandeliers.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Chris, I didn't know that perfumes were better if kept in the refrigerator! Thanks for the tip. -Carm

jellisfeingold said...

Giving her Arpege didn't work.

dullblade said...

Like goggle and other big tech companies, especially the telcos and ISPs, just promise your customers the moon, 5G, great and speedy service, but just give them as little as possible... It is a very cynical, not to mention male oriented, statement.