Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poez's "The Monotone" Illustrated

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I was wandering around the web when I lucked into finding this vid of poet Poez's spoken word piece "The Monotone" which I find both lovely and haunting.
Paul Mills a.k.a "Poez" is a New York City based spoken word/performance poet who started performing poetry in Boston and New York in 1976. Poez retired from the world of poetry for about 20 years but has recently started performing again. He frequents the Bowery Poetry Club regularly. Yippee!

You can check his website out here.


Anonymous said...

Hey chiki, it's Carmen. I love your blog, and you are right that poet, awesome!

Choice bit of Calico said...

Hey Carmen! Glad you like the blog. Isn't Poez's poem creepily awesome? I love it.